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  • 14 Alternative Classrooms Introduced to Enhance Education Accessibility in Wadi Hadhramout

Khabar Khair (Only Good News)

Funded by King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSRelief), the Deputy of the Projects and Facilities Sector at the Ministry of Education, Engineer Salem Saleh Ya’mar, inaugurated the delivery of alternative classrooms in Wadi Hadhramout as part of the ‘Back to School’ Project – Phase Two implemented by the Benevolence Coalition for Humanitarian Relief (BCHR).
The project includes the provision of 14 comprehensive alternative classrooms and the distribution of school bags in the districts of Tarim and As Sawm, aiming to enhance the learning environment for students.
During the opening, Engineer Ya’mar emphasized the importance of effective partnership between the Ministry of Education and KSRelief in serving the educational sector across the provinces.
The Director General of Tarim Directorate, Mr. Hassan Mulla Al-Duwaila, explained that the project will contribute to providing new educational opportunities for children in the Mashata area and neighboring regions by establishing a new kindergarten that provides a suitable learning environment for children.
It is worth mentioning that the project includes the provision of 95 classrooms in the governorates of Hajjah, Abyan, Hadhramout, and Lahj, benefiting 1,900 male and female students.
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