Khabar Khair (Only Good News) – Fatima Rashad

    “Wish I were a policewomen,” this is what Ruaa, who have always dreamed of joining women’s police said

    Roaa continues sadly: “When I finished high school, I had to choose the college I’ll go to. I told my family: I want to join Police college, they only responded by saying no which made me frustrated and isolated, everyone living in the house strongly refused, and they talked to me in a threatening tone.

    Roaa, who started to get desperate because her family didn’t allow her to join police school and achieve her dream, was left between two options: either completing her university studies and giving up on her dream of becoming a policewoman or staying at home doing nothing. At the time of her confusion comes her childhood friend, whose family also didn’t allow her to go to Police School, to decide together to go to Law School, and according to Roaa, this is when the way to prosecution starts.

     Roaa adds: “Four years at Law School getting ready to go to the prosecution, but things don’t always go as they’re planned.,” as my dream is still unachieved. It’s still in my mind ongoing.”

 Policewomen is a job that many facilities need.

     Colonel Abdo Saleh tells Khabar Khair (Only Good News) about the duties of policewomen: “No one denies the important role that women play in the security system, we need them in many places and operations, and Aden was the first in recruiting women for security work. There were no objections in the past about women working in the military, on the contrary girls going to that field was welcomed.”

     Colonel Abdo continues, saying: “policewomen have achieved so many things. We prepared and trained them through camps during their period of study at the college, even though most of their work is concerned with security check, especially in airports, Department of Passports, and government facilities, some of them can make raids, especially when they are needed, in other words most of police women’s tasks are civilian.”

     Alia Saleh Omar (a policewoman), says: “Working in security, is just like any civil work, aims to protecting women and providing them with peace and security, we should raise the awareness about the importance of women’s work in security.”

    Alia continued to Khabar Khair (Only Good News): “We live in a multicultural society, and some people think women’s work is just a shame, and this narrow view remained until recently, some believe that the work of a policeman is concerned with only holding guns , they do not know that policeman has many and multiple tasks concerned with security, so it is widely believed that women in the police hold guns just like men and go to the battlefields just like men do, but the truth is that the work policewomen is more concerned with places of services such as Department of Immigration and Passports, hospitals and facilities that need them to stick around.”

    Regarding the training that Alia received, she says: “I studied police sciences, which are concerned with command, staff, and methods of detecting crime, and there were administrative subjects in the curriculum related to law. As for the training that I received, it includes refresher courses, a course on camps, in addition to everything concerns with regular movements and shotting guns and everything that men are trained for nowadays.”

    Laila Al-Nashiri, who earned the rank of Captain, spoke about her suffering when her family didn’t allow her to join Police School, arguing that this kind of work is inappropriate for women. She says: “I have gone through a lot to get where I am today, having everyone accepting my job as a policewoman.”

    She added, “No one denies the role of women’s police in maintaining security, and because I chose to be a policewoman, I had to go through a lot to serve my community, especially women who are the weakest members of our societies.”

psychological view

   Social psychologist, Nour Muhammad says: “With women’s physical build, which is incomparable to men’s, still she is able to take over tasks and jobs that have always been known to before men and being a woman doesn’t make her any less. On the contrary, a woman who go to security work receives combat training which any girl should have, at least in part, and if we go back to Islamic history, we will find that there are women who were mentioned to have participated in some of the invasions in our Islamic history, that’s why no one should underestimate the role of women, as they are able to handle and do many things that counted in their favor..”

     Suad Al-Qadi (a policewoman) offers solutions that can help society accept the work of women in the security system, saying: “The stereotypical and narrow view of women’s work in security has to change, and they should be given the opportunity to show their potential at work by motivating them and prompting their military ranks, in addition to holding awareness-raising workshops that educate community members about the important role of police women.

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