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  • Yemen Information Center Conducts a Workshop on Role of Women in Development and Reconstruction in Aden

 In cooperation with University of Science and Technology, Yemen Information Center for Research and Media – Aden conducted today a workshop on “Role of Women in Development and Reconstruction”, involving 72 academicians, representatives of governmental and private parties, civil society organizations, media professionals and activists.

   At the opening of the workshop, which comes as a part of the training and rehabilitation program of the center, director of Yemen Information Center for Research and Media – Aden, Eng. Ahmed Saeed Al-Wahsh, gave a speech in which he stressed that the center aims to promote and spread a culture of peace and spread hope among the community, and to unify official and community efforts through Adopting different visions when developing solutions for the problems and challenges facing the community, through research, media and training activities targeting all members of society and competent authorities.

  He added, one of the main objectives and activities of the center is to ensure that more attention is paid to gender issues, especially women, as they are one of the main issues to be considered for building a social system based on justice and equality and working on finding a real partnership with competent governmental authorities, civil society organizations, universities, and research centers.

Al-Wahsh confirmed that the Yemen Information Center has put in its future programs and activities for 2021-2022 a series of programmes, projects and events that focus on the role of women in the development and reconstruction in Yemen.

on his part, Dr. Munir Ahmed Al-Abadi, Vice-chancellor of University of Science and Technology in Aden, praised research, media and training efforts implemented by Yemen Information Center in various developmental, social and economic fields that contribute to community service, and work to adopt a common vision on spreading a culture of peace, development and reconstruction.

He stressed that the university supports holding such events that aimed at empowering women in leading positions in various fields and local and international forums, and creating partnerships with various competent authorities to provide good and impactful programs focused on promoting a culture of peace and the development process, stressing that education is the foundation for development.

In her speech on The Women’s National Commission, Ilham Jamil Rashid, Director General of Partners Department of The Women’s National Commission, Elham Gameel Rashed stressed the importance of such workshop, which is implemented by the Yemen Information Center, which targets the pivotal role of women in development and reconstruction, especially at this stage that our country is going through.

  She said that The Women’s National Commission adopts, in its programs and activities, women’s issues in all fields, and works on enhancing their political, economic, social, developmental and cultural role, and works on developing their role in comprehensive and sustainable development, as the Committee is the formal framework in charge of preparing strategic projects and national programs for women. Which contribute to achieving comprehensive development, especially in the current situation that the country is going through.

In the workshop, three working papers were reviewed, the first paper was (Role of education in development) submitted by Dr. Aziz Al-Maafa from the Center for Educational Research and Development, the second paper (Role of women in intellectual and social development) by Dr. Mayda Abdullah from the University of Aden, and the third paper was entitled (Role of Rural Women in Development) by Dr. Taha Abdo Ali from the University of Science and Technology.

The workshop included discussions of working papers and coming up with recommendations aimed at strengthening the role of women in the political, development and reconstruction process, and empowering them economically by providing the support needed to implement strategic plans related to women’s participation in various aspects.

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