Source: SMEPS, on X

Al-Mokha, Taiz – In a significant step towards supporting the vital fishing sector in Al-Mokha district of Taiz Governorate, the distribution of 128 grants was launched within the framework of the “Sustainable Fisheries Development in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden (SFISH)” project.

The inauguration ceremony, which was attended by the Director General of the district, the Head of the Local Council, and the Director of the Office of Organizations Affairs on the West Coast, in addition to a large gathering of beneficiaries and residents, witnessed the distribution of grants to supply chains, establishments, and companies operating in the sector.

The project, implemented by the SMEPS organization with funding from the World Bank and in partnership with the United Nations Development Program, aims to improve the quality of the fishing sector in the district and contribute to the development of fishermen’s work and enhance their livelihoods.

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Economic Empowerment Grants for 24 Women in Shabwa with UNFPA and KSrelief Funding

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