Khabar Khair (Only Good News)

Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) has launched a new health response project in Yemen to improve emergency obstetric services for refugees and migrants by enhancing medical infrastructure at Al-Hafi Medical Complex in Sana’a, with $399,989 in funding from the OCHA-managed Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF).

The representation office of QRCS in Yemen is working to expand comprehensive obstetric emergency interventions by providing medications, medical supplies and equipment, furniture, and maintenance.

They are also undertaking the technical and construction works to create a fully equipped operating room, an intensive care unit (ICU), and a neonatal incubator department, thus helping to ensure smoother and safer childbirths and C-section procedures.

This is one of the numerous projects implemented by UN agencies for the benefit of refugees and migrants who left their home countries, voluntarily or forcibly, to other countries in search of livelihoods or for any other reason.

According to government reports, during 2023, Yemen received more than 97,000 migrants from the countries of the Horn of Africa, especially Ethiopia and Somalia.

Migrants suffer from difficult living conditions in Yemen due to many factors, including malnutrition, a lack of adequate medical care, and deteriorated humanitarian, health, and economic conditions amid the 10-year conflict. ​

Source: QRCS

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