Source: Kuwait News Agency (KUNA)

In a bright developmental step, the Kuwaiti Al-Najat Charitable Society launched the “Village of Al-Khairain 9” construction project in the Nashira area of the Khanfar district in Abyan Governorate, Yemen.

This humanitarian project comes to draw a mark of hope in the hearts of the local residents, as it includes the construction of 30 fully equipped housing units over a total area of approximately 10,000 square meters.

To ensure a decent life for the residents, the project includes the construction of a mosque, a school, a health unit, and other vital facilities, in addition to providing a sustainable water source by rehabilitating the existing water well in the village and establishing a tower tank with a distribution network.

In another humanitarian initiative, Al-Najat society opened a water well project in the “Diyu” village in the same district, ensuring the provision of drinking water for the village residents through a solar-powered submersible pump.

The Governor of Abyan, Major General Abu Bakr Hussein, praised these charitable projects that reflect the authenticity of the Kuwaiti people and their unlimited generosity, emphasizing the importance of cooperation with humanitarian organizations to achieve sustainable development throughout Yemen.

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