Source: Saba News Agency

The Japanese government announced, on Monday, a grant to support the “Second Phase of the Aden Port Efficiency Enhancement Project” worth 793 million Japanese yen, equivalent to about five million US dollars, through the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Yemen.

The Japanese Embassy in Yemen said in a statement – of which the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) received a copy – that the Chargé d’Affairs, Higashi Kazuhiro, exchanged memorandums of understanding with the Resident Representative of the UNDP in Yemen, Zeina Mohammed, to support the second phase of the Aden Port Efficiency Enhancement Project.

The statement confirmed that the project aims to improve logistical efficiency at Aden Port, in addition to establishing and maintaining a smooth management system, enhancing the ability to maintain facilities, and bringing in humanitarian aid and commercial goods to Aden. This will be achieved by rehabilitating workshops, providing mobile maintenance facilities, a vessel stationed at the port, which will contribute to supporting reconstruction in Yemen.

The statement indicated that the project will provide additional support to the Port of Aden, to which Japan had previously provided support in 2022 through a grant for the “Aden Port Efficiency Enhancement Project” to encourage the Yemeni efforts to strengthen the functions of the city Aden.

The embassy reiterated the Japanese government’s keenness to continue its active efforts, in cooperation with the United Nations and other concerned countries, to achieve peace and stability in Yemen.

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