Khabar Khair (Only Good News)
The agricultural sector of the Social Fund during the conflict period played a key role in promoting agricultural productivity, enhancing food security and improving rural livelihoods as an integral vehicle for pro-poor economic growth that achieves economic growth, by activating agriculture and supporting it with technology and agricultural extension services.
This sector includes a number of agricultural plant and animal interventions in addition to agricultural development such as crop cultivation, tree planting, animal production and beekeeping. It also includes post-harvest operations, for example storage, packaging and marketing. Therefore, the sector’s general policy is to alleviate poverty through rural and agricultural development that are environmentally and economically sustainable. Under this sector falls the project of rain-fed agriculture and water for agricultural development.
The general objective of the project is to “reduce poverty in the Yemeni countryside and improve the management of natural resources.” It also relies on enabling farmers to improve their traditional agricultural production, agricultural practices and agricultural marketing system in rainy areas, in addition to preserving natural resources such as soil, water, pastures, bushes, seeds, livestock etc…