Khabar Khair (Only Good News)

Rehabilitation work on Haijat Al-Abd Road, a vital road linking the governorates of Taiz and Aden and thus directly impacts the various vital sectors, is underway.

The rehabilitation project of Haijat Al-Abd Road, which is a steep series of switchbacks where trucks frequently get stuck and flip over, is an extension of SDRPY’s support to the Yemeni people in various sectors. The project aims to repair the damages and partial collapses in the road to raise the efficiency of traffic safety, reduce accidents on the road, facilitate the movement of people and goods and provide safety of mobility for its passers-by.

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Khabar Khair Administration

Khabar Khair Administration

Conclusion of a Training Course in Aden on Elderly and Disability Statistics Supported by UNFPA

  September 7, 2024

Source: Saba News Agency The Statistical Training Center at the Central Statistical Organization in Aden governorate concluded a training course on statistics of the elderly and disability, supported by the […]

The General Telecommunications Corporation Announces the Official Trial Launch of “Starlink” Satellite Internet Service

  September 2, 2024

Source: Saba News Agency Aden, Yemen – The General Corporation for Telecommunications has announced the start of the official trial phase for the “Starlink” satellite internet service in Yemen. This […]

Workshop on “Youth Aspirations” Held to Develop and Empower the New Generation in Hadhramaut

  August 29, 2024

Source: Saba News Agency Yesterday, Wednesday, a workshop titled “Youth Aspirations” was held in the city of Seiyun. It was organized by the Ministry of Youth and Sports office in […]