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  • Inauguration of a Vocational and Business Skills Training and Support Project in Hadhramout

Khabar Khair (Only Good News)

Funded by the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and the Small and Micro Enterprises Promotion Services (SMEPS) and implemented by the Labor Market and Private Sector Department in the Office of the Ministry of Technical Education and Vocational Training, the Director General of the Office of the Ministry of Technical Education and Vocational Training in the Hadhramaut Coast, Dr. Salem Salah Bajaber, inaugurated the vocational training and business skills support project (in mobile maintenance).

Dr. Bajaber praised the unwavering efforts of KSrelief and its partners to achieve comprehensive development and empower young people through developing their skills to keep pace with the needs of the job market. He stressed that the Technical Education and Vocational Training Office is keen to expand fruitful partnerships with supporting institutions and adopt such effective projects that contribute to creating job opportunities for various groups.

The project targets 20 male and female trainees with the aim of providing them with various skills in the field of mobile phone maintenance, offering them consultations during and after the end of the course from experts, and supporting them with all the necessary equipment to open their own projects. The inauguration was attended by SMEPS’s representatives, Mr. Hussein Al-Baiti, Mr. Salah Munibari, the Director of the Labor Market and the Private Sector, Engineer Sami Al-Nahdi, Engineer Awad Wahadin, Dean of the Industrial Technical Institute, Mr. Abdul-Bari Baslama, Mr. Sadr al-Din bin Aboud Al-Sheikh, and Ms. Nashwa Bahashwan.

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Khabar Khair Administration

Khabar Khair Administration

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