The Regional Representative of the International Fund, Ghazi Shbeikat, announced that Yemen will receive $665 million from International Monetary Fund reserves, which will help alleviate a severe economic and humanitarian crisis in the war-torn country. The amount represents Yemen’s share of the liquidity that the International Monetary Fund will supply to global markets, by increasing its reserves of Special Drawing Rights, with a total value of 650 billion dollars, distributed based on the members’ shares in the Fund’s reserves. He added that the allocation of special drawing rights will boost Yemen’s foreign exchange reserves by more than 70 percent and will provide much-needed support to help address the crisis, including the urgent food and medical needs of the population.

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Khabar Khair Administration

Khabar Khair Administration

36 women receive economic empowerment toolkits in Mukalla with UNFPA and KSrelief Funding

  September 20, 2024

Source: HUMAN ACCESS HUMAN ACCESS in Mukalla city on the Hadhramaut coast awarded economic empowerment grants to 36 women who benefited from vocational training in the fields of sewing and […]

HUMAN ACCESS Empowers 11 women in Marib with traditional crafts

  September 20, 2024

Source: HUMAN ACCESS HUMAN ACCESS in Marib Governorate organized a training course in the field of tire, concrete, incense burners, and medals manufacturing, targeting 11 women in Al-Wadi District, within […]

“Decent Housing” Project Concludes with Rehabilitation of 650 Housing Units in Aden

  September 20, 2024

Source: Saudi Press Agency (SPA) On Wednesday, the ‘Decent Housing’ project concluded, which was a tripartite partnership between the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen (SDRPY), Alwaleed Philanthropies, and […]