The Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Fisheries Major General Salem al-Socotri visited Friday the ongoing work at the Model Farm in Haif, Socotra Governorate.

The farm project is being implemented with funding from the German Federal Ministry (BMZ) in partnership with the World Food Program (WFP) and implemented by the Organization for Humanitarian Aid and Development (HAD) as part of the multi-year livelihood project (MYLB) activities.

Minister al-Socotri listened to an explanation from the Programs Director of the Organization for Humanitarian Aid and Development Dr. Salem al-Shankabi about the Haif model farm project and its components, which include building an 800-meter-long fence for the farm, digging a well, providing it with a renewable energy-powered pumping system, building a 50 cubic meter water tank, and connecting the farm to a drip irrigation network.

Al-Socotri pointed out that the island is in dire need of model farms and agricultural projects to supply the local market with various agricultural products, achieve food balance and self-sufficiency, and create job opportunities for many citizens.

He stressed the need to redouble efforts to complete the project implementation, appreciating the support provided by the German Federal Ministry and the efforts of the implementing partners to implement such sustainable projects in the governorate.

Additionally, the Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Fisheries received from the Sheikh of the Badhulah region, a piece of land for the research station, with 800 linear meters in length, to study the needs of the agricultural sector, its pests, and conducting innovative research, which contributes to achieving and sustainability of food security in the governorate.


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