On Wednesday, Dr. Al-Hassan Ali Taher, Governor of Hodeidah Governorate, laid the foundation stone for the Al-Nahda School project in Al-Badi village, Al-Khokha district. The project is funded by the European Union through the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and implemented by the Al-Nahda Makers Organization.

Governor Taher listened to an explanation of the project from Ibrahim Aja’sh, Director of the Education Office in the governorate, and Engineer Amjad Talal, Project Manager at the organization. The project consists of constructing 6 classrooms and 3 bathrooms.

Governor Taher stressed the importance of such projects in remote areas to meet the educational needs of children. He pointed out the local authority’s readiness to provide facilities for the establishment of such projects, which contribute to the development of the educational infrastructure in the rural areas of the governorate.

Source: https://hodeidah-gov.com/?no=923&ln=Ar

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